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How to thrive as a leader

As I navigated and inched forward through the car rally, my leadership values were subtly put to test and some other were discovered within.

One may wonder, what has a Women's car rally got to do with Leadership?

Last weekend I participated in the WIAA women's car rally from Mumbai to Nasik. A mini break that brought in lots of excitement and provided valuable life and leadership learnings.

As a supportive leader, Teamwork is of utmost significance to overcome challenges. While being a navigator in the car rally, effective communication with the driver is crucial to ensure we do not lose the route. This when complemented with

quick calculations, weighing in options and decision-making under pressure makes one an effective leader.

The car rally presented various unknown challenges, road traffic and roadblocks. Being able to adjust plans quickly, ensures minimum loss of time and resources. That’s Adaptability in leadership. 

Leaders who are willing to take calculated risks achieve greater success. Facing uncertainty, getting lost and not knowing where the Check posts and Marshalls are located is a common occurrence during the rally. This requires Resilience to bounce back, maintain focus and not getting discouraged, in case you are lost. Thats resilient leadership

Participating in this rally threw open opportunities to network with like-minded participants and learn the nitty-gritty calculations involved in excelling in a rally. That calls for having a learning mindset. Effective Leaders  also know the importance of networking and building relationships.

The rally had women from different backgrounds and cultures. Leaders who are culturally aware and sensitive inspire better understanding and cooperation. Cultural awareness aids in building bridges to reach your goals.

Overall the rally showed the value of adventure and exploration in life. It paved way for leadership learning opportunities.

The car rally is a game of being comfortable with uncertainties. It needs the strength of resilience.

Accepting defeat is not the same as being defeated…So believe in yourself and keep moving


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