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At the crossroads with Gen Z

🔹"Where’s my co-pilot?

🔹" Are we using the latest tech tools?”

🔹“Is there room for me to pitch new ideas?”

🔹"How do we deal with stress and burnout?”

🔹“Are there mental health resources/ support available?’

🔹“What’s the company doing for the environment?”

🔹“What’s the company’s take on D&I?”

🔹“Do we have flexible hours?”

🔹“Are there training programs….and more……

As a senior, are you struggling to cope with such questions and new age attitudes towards work? If yes, then you are dealing with the Gen Z !!

Gen Z's are perceived to have a sense of entitlement, since their basic needs have been taken care of. They look forward to instant gratification with focus more on results than processes. Nonetheless, they can be an asset for an organisation with the right approach

Senior leadership should interpret their questions as a call to action ensuring that the new generation entering the workforce has the necessary resources to perform and excel.

So what do Gen Z's look for -

🍀Gen Z’s look for work-life balance.

🍀This generation thrives on constant constructive feedback.

🍀They seek purpose in their work.

🍀They want opportunities to learn and develop.

🍀Gen Z values a work environment that supports diversity and inclusion.

🍀Gen Z believes in working smart rather than hard.

🍀They prioritize mental health.

🍀They do not shy away from asking tough questions.

As such, Leaders need to be open to accommodating their preferences of flexibility, technology and open communication. Challenges around engaging and retaining the Gen Z talent frequently arises in my coaching sessions with senior executives.

Leaders often struggle with how to offer the flexibility Gen Z craves while maintaining productivity and meeting business objectives. Moreover, there’s a growing concern among leaders about the impact of Gen AI. They worry that Gen Z’s unique problem-solving abilities might be undermined by over-reliance on technology.

The future of employee growth may hinge not only on the expertise and thought leadership of the management, but also on the preferences and expectations of the Gen Z that are entering the workforce. This vocal generation brings with it a unique perspective on work views and ethics, signaling a potential need to shift the approach and mindset of stakeholders.


So how can senior leaders bridge the gap between Gen Z’s expectations and traditional leadership practices?


Leaders have to address these issues, because before you know it, Gen Alpha will be entering the workforce.

So, if you are a senior leader looking to adapt to the evolving needs of Gen Z and bridge the generational gap, connect with me for a complimentary discovery call


What got you here, won’t get you there


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